Jiang Yuyuan’s Amanar and Chinese Nationals


Jiang Yuyuan, 2008 Chinese Nationals Team Finals, Vault:

More videos of this competition are available from Youtube user Fanbutterfly.

(via relatively new blog Gymnastics and Stuff)

3 Responses to “Jiang Yuyuan’s Amanar and Chinese Nationals”

  1. Ashley Says:

    Holy moly!!! Ok, her legs are a mess in the air (from what I tell in the video at least), but she lands with tons of room to spare. Are the rest of her A scores high enough for a good AA shot?

  2. kristoffer Says:

    that’s a shit! and man she is so little to be able to compete that! wow pretty impressive especially their scores! bring on beijing olympics!

  3. d foster Says:

    wow that great but your right ashley her form was not great but i think her form will be get better as the year progresses it a new vault. and I agree with you about the landing she is very high and has room to spare that how that vault she be performed. just like cheng they both have great height and room to spare i hate to see when most athlete twists into the ground on the landing of the vault. cheng and jiuyan does that vault truely

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